
7 Ways a Well-Maintained Lawn Boosts the Value of Your Home

Dave Petti

A Northeast Ohio landscape without a lawn would be pretty barren. There’d be no place for your dog to hang out. There’d be no cooling effect during those hot summer days. There’d be no colorful greeting when you arrived home. Just a lifeless looking land. 

A lawn is a natural part of your home landscape. And without it you’d lose quite a few benefits. 

But can a lawn increase home value? Let’s talk about curb appeal benefits of grass and how it can elevate your home value. 

7 Lawn Value Benefits

There are many significant health and well-being benefits that come from grass. 

A lawn brings color and texture to your yard, as well as functionality. It also packs a benefit punch. Here, we'll learn how. 

1. Lawns Increase the Perceived Value of Homes

Lawns add instant value to your Northeast Ohio home. 

This is because it makes your property look good, so it boosts the perception of value by all who pass it. A great looking lawn makes people admire your home, curious at what’s inside if such an attractive lawn and landscape is outside. 

Also, this tells people you care for your property, showing that it’s well-maintained. Can a lawn increase home value? For home buyers, if they see a property owner was diligent about tending to their lawn, they assume you were also diligent about keeping up with interior home repairs and preservation. 

front of house with green lawn and driveway

2. Lawns Can Elevate Actual Property Values

A lawn improves a property’s appearance almost immediately, increasing that property’s actual value as well as its perceived value. 

Virginia Tech research says a well-landscaped home with a lawn has a 5.5% to 12.7% price advantage over a home without a lawn or landscaping. And landscape economists say good landscaping can add up to 28% to a home’s overall value

Additionally, the National Association of Realtors says 78% of real estate professionals blame poor landscaping and poor lawns for diminished home values. 

That’s a lawn value boost!

green grass in front of house

3. Lawns Improve the Local Environment 

A healthy lawn looks great, sure, but it also improves the local environment. 

How? Lawn value improves your environment by reducing soil erosion, bringing natural cooling effects to your yard, and filtering pollutants.  

It also produces oxygen. A 250-square-foot lawn produces enough oxygen for a family of four.

A lawn also cools the local environment similar to an air conditioner. When the temperature of the sidewalk is 100 degrees Fahrenheit, the temperature of the adjacent turf remains near 75 degrees Fahrenheit

Dense grass also absorbs excess water, reducing runoff that can lead to erosion. In fact, compared to non-grass areas, lawns can reduce runoff-induced soil erosion by up to 600 times

Of course, to do this work properly, a lawn must be well cared for.

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4. Lawns Improve Air Quality

Do weeds affect house value? Absolutely. 

When you have a yard full of well-maintained, lush grass versus nasty weeds and bare areas, this improves your air quality. 

A dense lawn traps dust and pollen, making the air around you cleaner. Well-managed turfgrass can also help reduce pollen by preventing the growth of weeds that produce significant amounts of airborne pollen. 

Healthy grass also plays an important role in carbon sequestration or removal of carbon from the atmosphere, helping positively impact climate change. 

5. Lawns Reduce Nearby Noise

Lawns help reduce nearby noises that you’d prefer not to hear as much of as well.

In fact, grass on a sloped barrier facing a noise source like traffic can reduce these irritating sounds by as much as 8 to 10 decibels. This is a great lawn value in a busy neighborhood.

6. Lawns Improve Mental Health

Time spent in a green space like a lawn can help people decrease stress and anxiety and fight mental issues like depression, too. 

People crave green spaces for these positive impacts, and so having well-maintained grass can increase home and lawn value. 

Spending time in green areas like lawns also improves some physical health metrics by boosting blood pressure and cholesterol levels and decreasing health complaints. 

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7. Lawns Provides Places For You and Your Pets to Hang Out

Your backyard is a place to spend time with family and your pets, and a lawn takes center stage for those games of catch, swings on a swing set, throws of the ball to the dog, and outdoor birthday parties and family get-togethers. 

Your dog is super happy outside, too – just as much if not more than your family members.  As a homeowner, you also probably appreciate that your dog isn’t tracking in tons of mud and dirt because you don’t have lots of bare spots in your lawn or no lawn at all. 

Lawn value escalates because these grassy areas become extensions of your home. It gets you, your family members, and your pets outside, becoming a place to play, enjoy the sunshine, and make memories. Thick, healthy grass is better for everyone.

customer and dogs on nice green lawn

Boost Your Home Investment With Proper Lawn Care. 

Can a lawn increase home value? As you can see, it absolutely can. 

But it can only do so when it’s cared for properly, including proper and regular fertilization, pre-emergent and post-emergent weed control, adequate watering and correct mowing, as well as annual aeration and overseeding. 

Protecting your home and landscape investment is important. Not sure where to start? Give Turf Pride a call. We can help keep your lawn thriving so that it keeps delivering these amazing benefits for you for years to come. 


All you want is a green, happy lawn, and Turf Pride knows what it takes to get there. Get started today with a free quote for your Northeast Ohio lawn. Together, we’ll customize a plan that makes your lawn the best on the block. 

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